Health & Development
'Baby Checks at 6-8 weeks old'
This service is carried out by a number of GPs in the practice and consists of a physical examination when your baby is 6 - 8 weeks old. It also allows an opportunity to discuss any problems or concerns you may have with the GP. You will receive an appointment for your baby via the Practice Administrator at Spa Medical Centre.
Your Health Visitor will advise you when your child needs immunisations. These are very important to protect your child and to eradicate serious disease from the population. They are all very safe.
There is no need to delay immunisations because of a slight cold. If you are unsure, there is always a GP or Nurse available to check your child before immunisation.
Child Immunisations are by appointment. You will be contacted by phone or letter with an appointment time and date for your child’s immunisation.
The following link will provide you with further information about the immunisation schedules:
Please phone Marcia Weeks on 01225 898009 to cancel if you are unable to make the appointment, it can then be offered to someone else.
Children who are behind with this schedule should catch up as soon as possible. Please ring Marcia on the number above and she will find out the current guidance and get back to you.
Children's Community Services in Wiltshire
HCRG (Health Care Resourcing Group) provide Wiltshire Children’s Community Services across the county, looking after the physical, medical and mental health and wellbeing of children and young people up to the age of 19 years old.
They provide everything from public health nursing (also known as health visiting and school nursing), to specialist support for children and young people with physical sensory or learning needs and disabilities.
The next date for a drop-in clinic which are run by the local Health Visitors - no appointment is needed: