Home Visits

Home visits are made to patients too ill or frail to attend the surgery.

Patients are requested to telephone before 10:30 if a visit is required that day.

All requests for home visits will be considered by the available GP’s at 10:45 each morning. They will consider whether a telephone appointment is appropriate, or whether a member of the community team can visit you.

Visits generally take place between 12:00 and 14:00.

It is not possible to specify which GP visits you.

Any requests received after 10:30 will be referred to the Duty Doctor.

We ask you to come into the Medical Centre whenever possible as we want all of our patients to benefit from the modern and comprehensive facilities we can offer here.

Our Medical Centre has been designed to accommodate the needs of people with all kinds of disabilities and we are able to assess and treat most problems more quickly and much more effectively by seeing you at the surgery.

Please remember that several patients can be seen at the Medical Centre in the time it takes to visit a patient. For this reason home visits are only made to patients too ill or frail to attend the surgery.


Enquiry line - 01225 709311