Our specialist asthma nurses will help you manage your condition through annual reviews and medication checks. At your annual reveiew you will be asked about your Asthmasymptons, your inaler technique and be checked you are on the right treatment and dose.
At the end of your consultation you will be given a writtenAsthma management plan containing all of the information you need to look after your Asthma well.
Please remember to bring you inhalers to you appointment.
Make the most of your Asthma Review
If your Asthma symptons are not under control or you are using 3 or more puffs of Salbutamol (reliever inhaler) a week on a regular basis, Please book an Asthma Reveiw.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties. COPD is a common condition that mainly affects middle-aged or older adults who smoke. Many people don't realise they have it. The breathing problems tend to get gradually worse over time and can limit your normal activities, although treatment can help keep the condition under control.
Through regular monitoring, our specialist nurses can help you manage your condition. Your COPD reveiw is the month of your birthday. Through regular monitoring our specialist nurses can help you manage your conditio, check your inhaler technique and make sure you are on the right treatment and dose.
If you think you are overdue a review appointment, please contact our reception team
Spirometry is a simple test used to help diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions by measuring how much air you can breathe out in one forced breath. The test takes 30-40 minutes. Spirometry is used to help diagnose lung conditions such as Asthma and COPD.
Should this be required you will be sent an invite to book.
Click Here for more information
Our nurses run annual reviews for all patients who have Hypertension (raised blood pressure).
During your review appointment your blood pressure will be checked, your weight and height measured and your lifestyle will be discussed with you, such as diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol habits. The nurse will also discuss any blood pressure medication that you are on.
If your blood pressure is not at target, an action plan will be agreed with you to improve the result.
You may be asked to complete home blood pressure monitoring diary and bring in your results, so we can work out your average blood pressure and whether you may need a consultation with a doctorto discuss treatment options to help control your blood pressure.
If you think you are overdue a review appointment, please contact our reception team.
Our nurses run annual reviews for all patients who are over 18 who have Type I or Type II diabetes. Before you attend your annual diabetic reveiw you will require an appointment with on eof our HCA'S who will check your blood pressure,height,weight, check your feet and take a blood sample. A reveiw will be booked 2 weeks later with our specialist diabetic nurse.
The review is an opportunity to discuss diet, lifestyle and general management of their diabetes and any complications. Referrals may be made following attendance at these clinics to the Dietician, Podiatrist, Ophthalmologist or Retinal Screening or our local Diabetes Specialist nurse if required.
If you think you are overdue a review appointment, please contact our reception team.
Minor Illnesses
Certain minor illnesses can be seen quickly and efficiently in our minor illness clinic. (This service is available to patients aged 3 months and over)
Our qualified and experience duty nurses and paramedics provide same day appointments and will assess the problem, give healthcare advice and prescribe if required.
Please note these clinics are not for long term conditions seeking advice or a review.
Our friendly reception team will ask a few questions when you call and book you with the appropriate clinician or refer you to the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)
Phlebotomy, Blood Pressure and ECG Monitoring
We offer a large number of daily appointments for you to have your blood taken by one of our experienced phlebotomists.
We also offer appointments for blood pressure monitoring or ECG at the request of our clinicians.
If you are worried about your blood pressure, please call into reception, and use the machine we have situated there. Record your results on the form provided and this will then be passed to a clinician for review. If they have any concerns about the results they see, you will be invited in for an appointment.
Simple Dressings, Removal of Stitches
Our nursing team are always happy to see you for dressing wounds or removal of stitches. Please book your appointment as soon as you are aware the date your stitches need to be removed/wound redressed.
Warfarin Monitoring
Our nursing team are responsible for seeing all our patients who take anticoagulant medication such as warfarin, who need to have their blood monitored regularly.
A simple finger prick test is performed and an immediate result is given, to confirm or adjust the warfarin dose as necessary.
This quick and simple process enables patients to regularly check the clotting rate of their blood while taking anticoagulants, usually without the need for more invasive blood tests or delays whilst waiting for their results to come back from the hospital laboratory.
Administration of Prescribed Injectable Medication
We are able to offer appointments for patients to receive their regular prescription injectables from our nursing team, for example B12 and hormone injections.

Flu and Pneumonia Vaccinations
We strongly recommend a yearly flu vaccination for patients over 65, and those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease. We also run a programme of flu vaccinations, via nasal spray, for eligible children.
In addition, we recommend the Pneumonia vaccination to those patients over 65 years of age.
Our vaccination campaign normally begins in late September.
NHS Healthchecks
A FREE 20 minute NHS Health Check is offered to all patients aged 40-74.
An invitation letter will be sent out to those aged 40, and thereafter every 5 years till the age of 74.
To check if you are eligible or to make an appointment for your FREE health check, please contact the reception team.
The Health Check will be carried out by one of our Health Care Assistants who will assess your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease and will provide you with simple and practical steps to help you reduce that risk and stay healthy.
The check is based on straight forward questions and measurements such as age, family history, height, weight and blood pressure. There will also be a simple blood test to measure your cholesterol level. This does not include a PSA prostate cancer screening test.
If you are outside the age range covered by these checks and concerned about your health, you should make an appointment with your GP.