Other Clinical Staff
Health Visitors
The Health Visitors are qualified nurses, with special training and experience in child health, health promotion and education. They offer practical support and health advice in many situations, including child development, nutrition, sleep issues and behaviour management in the under 5’s.
They can be contacted directly on 0300 2470090.
Normally the Health Visitors will see your child at the following intervals:
- Following birth, at home, between 10-14 days with follow up support if needed
- At 9-11 months
- At 2 years
Healthy Child Drop In Clinics are run weekly at Melksham Community Campus.
Every Tuesday 2pm -4pm.
Healthy Child Drop-Ins - Wiltshire Children's Services (wiltshirechildrensservices.co.uk)

Community Midwives
The local Midwives will co-ordinate your care during your pregnancy, right from the moment you discover you are expecting.
Please contact the Trowbridge Birth Centre (appointments) within one month of discovering you are pregnant on: 01225 826516, Monday to Thursday between 08:00 and 13:00.
If you need to contact your Midwife, please telephone: 01225 826515
You do not need to see a GP to confirm you are pregnant unless you have concerns you wish to discuss.